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A Flower Ally for Every Zodiac Animal in 2025, the Year of the Snake

A Flower Ally for Every Zodiac Animal in 2025, the Year of the Snake
Photo credit: Unsplash by Niklas Ohlrogge

As we enter 2025, we are saying goodbye to the year of the Dragon and moving into the year of the Snake. Last year was also a yang wood year, while 2025 is a yin wood year. What does this mean for all of us as we transition into a new chapter?

Yin energy is quieter and softer than yang energy, so we can think of 2025 as a little softer than last year. There will be more emphasis on what’s unconscious and below the surface as well. In the five element system, wood is all about growth, creativity, expansion, flexibility, compassion, and kindness.

In the Chinese zodiac, the Snake is wise, intuitive, charming, and multifaceted, with many diverse talents. If you look at the symbolism of snakes across history and cultures, the overarching themes that emerge are transformation, healing, strength, and protection. These are all themes that may come up in the Year of the Snake.

The type of energy you’ll experience in 2025 will also depend on your birth year animal. Each animal has different qualities and a different kind of relationship with the Snake. Below, we’ve shared the corresponding years for each zodiac animal*, the elemental quality that animal embodies, and a bit about what to expect in 2025. We’ve also partnered with our friend Katie Hess of LOTUSWEI to share a flower ally as well as a specific flower essence blend that can support each of the zodiac animals this year.

*Please note, if your birthday is between Jan 1st and Feb 4th, your zodiac animal is the preceding year. If your birthday is on February 3rd, 4th, or 5th, we recommend consulting a Chinese almanac or finding your natal chart online.

How to work with flower essences

If you haven’t worked with flower essences before, they may seem mystical and mysterious, but their effects can be really spectacular. Flower essences can help us unpeel any layers that aren’t serving us and allow our true nature to come forward. You can work with LOTUSWEI’s flower essences or start with their free digital wallpapers and meditations.

Here’s what you can expect in 2025 based on your birth year animal and a flower or plant ally that can support you in the coming year:

  • Rat 子

    1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020

    Rats embody yang water, like a fast-moving river.

    Flower ally for 2025: Bee orchid

    Blend: Sacred Awareness

    Bee orchid is about increasing your capacity to hold emotions, both your own and others’. Within that bigger container of emotions there are deeper connections, so this flower can support you in feeling more connected to people around you. In feng shui, water also has to do with flowing and connecting with people.

  • Ox 丑

    1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

    The Ox embodies yin earth, like soft, receptive sand on a beach.

    Flower ally for 2025: Fern

    Blend: Sacred Body

    The fern can be supportive for instances where we’ve historically liked to have things all planned out. People born in the year of the Ox can be really hard-working and good at making things happen, and fern invites you to trust that you’ll know what you need to do at each step in the process, even if you don’t have everything planned out yet. It’s about deeply trusting yourself and your intuition when you are working on a big project or doing something out of the ordinary.

  • Tiger 寅

    1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

    Tigers embody yang wood, like the dynamic energy of spring.

    Flower ally for 2025: Angelica

    Blend: Divine Timing

    Angelica is a lacy white flower that can help you understand who your unseen support is. When we’re feeling alone, angelica helps us tap into those who want to help us, whether this is our guides and protectors in the unseen realm, or simply friends and family who are waiting to support you. The Tiger has a more challenging relationship with the Snake, so this is a great year to embrace helpful people!

  • Rabbit 卯

    1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023

    The Rabbit embodies yin wood, like the energy of blooming flowers.

    Flower ally for 2025: Silky fringe

    Blend: Divine Truth

    Silky fringe is a purple flower that looks almost like an explosion, and it’s all about letting your freak flag fly and being your fullest, most eccentric self. It also supports verbal expression and saying it like it is without holding back. This can be a really helpful energy for Rabbits, who are often tender-hearted and have a hard time speaking up.

  • Dragon 辰

    1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024

    Dragons embody yang earth, like high, rocky, mountainous peaks.

    Flower ally for 2025: Cacao flower

    Blend: Divine Within

    Cacao flower supports checking in with yourself about what your needs are and how you can nourish yourself. Do you find yourself working without taking breaks to eat when you are hungry or use the bathroom when you need to? This year, focus on nurturing yourself and tending to your own needs.

  • Snake 巳

    1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025

    The Snake embodies yin fire like glowing embers.

    Flower ally for 2025: Skyrocket

    Blend: Luminous Chi

    Snakes have an element of magnetism that draws people in, like the warmth of a campfire. This year, Skyrocket can help you set boundaries by noticing which people or projects are draining your energy and identifying areas where you could say no. This flower can help you have the strength to know when to set boundaries and protect yourself, which can benefit many areas of your life.

  • Horse 午

    1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

    Horses embody yang fire, like the blazing, hot sun at high noon.

    Flower ally for 2025: Rein orchid

    Blend: Awakened Perception

    Rein orchid is a little white flower that can support us when we’re caught in fight or flight. Horses are incredibly powerful, and at the same time, they can be destabilized by something small under their feet. This year, notice when your fight or flight system gets activated and take a moment to ask yourself if the situation really merits this kind of response.

  • Ram 未

    1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

    The Ram embodies yin earth, like nurturing, rich soil.

    Flower ally for 2025: Wild snapdragon

    Blend: Awakened Expression

    Wild snapdragon supports shamelessness and wild expression. Rams, this is your year to really look at what you feel deserving or undeserving of. How can you be more shameless about your needs, and really act on them? People born in the year of the Ram can tend to be quieter and more yin, so this is a good year to learn into that fiery Snake energy.

  • Monkey 申

    1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

    Monkeys embody yang metal, like a sharp, fierce sword.

    Flower ally for 2025: Celosia

    Blend: Awakened Understanding

    The Monkey is the best friend of the Snake, so this is your most auspicious year! It’s a great year to share your luck and spend time with others who may need your support. This year, celosia can help you communicate clearly about what you want and make the most of this supportive year. Monkeys can often be found hopping from tree to tree and having a good time, but if you take the time in 2025 to be really clear about what you want and how you communicate those desires, this will be a really powerful year for manifesting things.

  • Rooster 酉

    1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

    Roosters embody yin metal, like delicate shiny jewelry.

    Flower ally for 2025: Radiance orchid

    Blend: Sacred Heart

    The radiance orchid is a beautiful flower from Costa Rica that looks a bit like an angel. This flower can help us surrender into a fearless sense of self-sufficiency. Roosters can have a hard time being vulnerable and admitting that they need connection, and this flower can help you feel a sense of inner connectivity even when you are separated from the people you love. It allows us to accept life as it is in its full richess without feeling like we’re missing out on something.

  • Dog 戌

    1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

    Dogs embody yang earth, like a strong, sturdy cliff wall.

    Flower ally for 2025: Shell Ginger

    Blend: Inner Knowing

    Dogs and Dragons have a challenging relationship, so the Year of the Dragon in 2024 may have presented some difficulties. This year will be more supportive. Shell ginger can support you in knowing that anything is possible, and visualizing your future into reality.

  • Pig 亥

    1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

    The Pig embodies yin water, like misty cool dew in the morning.

    Flower ally for 2025: Lady’s Mantle

    Blend: Open Heart

    The Year of the Snake will be a more challenging time for the Pig. Lady’s mantle is a bright chartreuse flower that supports curiosity and getting in touch with your inner child. If you encounter an obstacle, it can be helpful to look at where you could employ more curiosity and pay attention to your inner child to find your way through new challenges.

  • Everyone

    Flower ally: Night Blooming Jasmine

    Blend for EVERYBODY in 2025: Wild Abundance

    Regardless of your zodiac animal, night-blooming jasmine is a wonderful flower ally that can help us all embrace the Snake and yin wood energies. The Snake may not have a big, bold presence like the Dragon, but it creates charm in its own way. Similarly, jasmine, with its small white blossoms, isn’t the most attention-grabbing flower — until nighttime. At night, the scent of jasmine is so magnetic and enveloping that it’s almost impossible not to stop and bury your face in the flowers. Night-blooming jasmine can help us look at the parts of ourselves that may be more hidden, and shine some light on them. This flower invites us to fall in love with our own beauty, radiance, and magnetism.