Become a Feng Shui Designer
What is Feng Shui Design
Feng Shui is not simply about decorating, and moving furniture in our spaces, it is a transformational and ancient practice that has many forms. In many ways Feng Shui is like yoga. Yoga has many styles, forms, schools, but at the end of day they all have the same intention, to connect body, mind, and spirit. Feng Shui is similar, many approaches and schools, but all with the same goal to improve our environments, life situation, and energy.
Over the centuries, many different schools and teachers of Feng Shui have developed. Black Sect feng shui is the school of feng shui we teach and practice at Mindful Design. It is a form of shamanistic Feng Shui with ancient roots in Taoism and Buddhism. For us, Feng Shui is a transformational practice where our own energy is in sync in our own environment. It is all about awareness, and how our own personal qi reacts and connects with our environment.
The design part of Feng Shui is about creating spaces in an intentional and mindful way. When designing a space, you design knowing that spaces are more than the mundane and physical, but also knowing that each design element has a deeper significance and energetic meaning.
Laura’s feng shui story: Why Feng Shui was a good fit for me?
In a nutshell: my work life wasn’t aligned with my values.
I was practicing yoga daily (I became a certified yoga instructor) and I had begun to practice mindfulness meditation and sitting with a local Tibetan Buddhist sangha. Soon after, I began to feel that my workalike was out of sync with my energy and mindfulness practices. I was helping people buy a lot stuff; stuff they thought was pretty, but didn't really need. I had dabbled in feng shui for years and decided that this was the right fit for me. So I went off and studied it with the best teachers I could find. Flash forward to today, my business is now exclusively feng shui design, and my energy and work life are completely aligned.

Watch the video to learn about Laura’s story and how she came to be a full-time feng shui consultant.
How You Can Train With Us to Become a Feng Shui Designer
The new session of our full certification program is starting up this Spring 2019.
The Mindful Design Feng Shui Certification Program teaches you the methods, tools, and skills to channel your intuition through. Our goal is to empower graduates to help others to live clearer, purpose driven lives. Clear, confident, and energy aware; you will learn how to inspire others to live a more mindful life with feng shui.
Interested in joining Mindful Design’s class of 2019? Book a one-on-one chat with Laura or Anjie to discuss the program.
Learn More About our Program
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