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Mindful Design Feng Shui School

Chinese‌ ‌Zodiac‌ ‌for‌ ‌2021:‌ ‌Year‌ ‌of‌ ‌the‌ ‌Metal‌ ‌Ox

Chinese‌ ‌Zodiac‌ ‌for‌ ‌2021:‌ ‌Year‌ ‌of‌ ‌the‌ ‌Metal‌ ‌Ox
Photo by Heye Jensen on Unsplash

Goodbye 2020, Year of the Rat! In February, we will be ringing in the Year of the Metal Ox. We are moving out of the Year of the Rat, which I think we can all agree we are happy to see the back of. You may have already been feeling the new energy of the coming year. It isn't like flipping a switch—the change in qi starts in the fall, and the energy shift builds up to the lunar new year date, which is February 12th in 2021.

We have put together a topline review of the overall energy of the year and how it may impact each of the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac. There is an important energetic interaction between your birth year (your animal) and the current year (Metal Ox). To quote a Chinese saying: the animal assigned to your birth year “is the animal that hides in your heart.”

The let’s keep it fun disclaimer

Remember: It is important to understand that the animal associated with your birth year only accounts for part of your overall astrological destiny (you still have the hour, day and month pillars). Also, it is important to mention that your birth date and astrology is only one part of what influences your path and success in life. In the tradition of Feng Shui that we practice, it is firmly held that by using Feng Shui, good deeds, hard work and education, you can shift the balance. So, no need to panic if this is not a ‘good’ year for you; everything is cyclical and you will have your day in the sun.

Ox (Chou) qualities and energy:

  • Hard-working
  • Reliable and no-nonsense
  • Steady-eddy
  • Comfortable and somewhat predictable

Yin Metal (Xin) qualities and energy:

  • Refined
  • Organized
  • Joyful and gracious
  • Reflective

The Ox is practical, no-nonsense and finds comfort in routine and hard-work. The yin metal’s energy works well to complement the Ox’s desire for completing projects, routine, and organization.

*Please note, if your birthday is in January or February, your animal sign may be the preceding year. If you were born on the cusp, we recommend you find your natal chart online.

  • Rat 子

    Resourceful, like to be busy, can sniff out opportunities
    Years: 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008
    Rats are best friends with Dragons, Snakes, Monkeys, and especially Oxen! The Ox and Rat are considered best friends in the Chinese Zodiac, so this means it’s a good year for Rats!
    Overall energy of the year: Good
    What to do: Embrace the calmer energy of the Ox year. Don’t push riskier endeavours.
    You are most compatible with: Dragon, Monkey, Rat and Ox.
    You clash with: Horse.

  • Ox 丑

    Steady eddy, hard-working, ploughs through problems calmly
    Years: 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009
    Oxen are great friends with Snakes, Roosters, and Rats. You may think that since it’s the year of the Ox, it would be a very lucky year for anyone born in the year of the Ox. But in fact, it may be a little more challenging for Oxen. In BTB feng shui we practice a protection ceremony called the Golden Cicada Ritual. Think of it as a way to smooth out the rough edges, and to bring more ease in the coming year. If you’re interested, there is a class available here, we also recommend you carry a 2021 charm (Rat) with you for extra support.
    Overall energy of the year: So-so
    What to do: Make time for self-care and take breaks. Oxen work too hard!
    You are most compatible with: Rooster, Snake and Rat.
    You clash with: Ram/Sheep.

  • Tiger 寅

    Dynamic, self-reliant tigers leap forward with creative ideas
    Years: 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
    Tigers are friends with Horses, Dogs, and Pigs. The creative and dynamic tiger finds the Ox’s stead-fast work ethic a little tiresome.
    Overall energy of the year: Mostly neutral
    What to do: Take advantage of the calmer energy (may feel boring to tigers)
    You are most compatible with: Horse, Dog and Pig.
    You clash with: Monkey.

  • Rabbit 卯

    Easy-going and sociable, the rabbit hops along with grace
    Years: 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
    Rabbits are friends with Rams, Pigs, and Dogs. Rabbits will enjoy the quieter, more stable energy of the Ox. For extra support and ease with Ox, we recommend you carry a 2021 charm (Rat) the Ox’s best friend.
    Overall energy of the year: Neutral
    What to do: Gracefully bunny hop over minor set-backs, and enjoy the slower pace.
    You are most compatible with: Pig, Sheep and Dog.
    You clash with: Rooster.

  • Dragon 辰

    Energetic, strong dragons fly through life with purpose
    Years: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
    Dragons are best friends with Monkeys, Roosters, and Rats. Dragons respect the Ox’s work ethic and tenacious nature.
    Overall energy of the year: Pretty good
    What to do: Align your powerful Dragon energy with the stable and determined energy of the Ox.
    You are most compatible with: Rat, Monkey, and Rooster.
    You clash with: Dog.

  • Snake 巳

    Intellectual snakes slide through life with wisdom and grace
    Years: 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
    Snakes are best friends with Rooster, Monkey, and Ox; this is good news for the Snake. Snake’s wisdom will serve them well, and is looked upon favorably by the Ox.
    Overall energy of the year: Good
    What to do: Use your subtle influence and keen intuition.
    You are most compatible with: Rooster, Ox and Monkey.
    You clash with: Pig.

  • Horse 午

    Strong, active horses will gallop by looking for adventure
    Years: 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002
    Horses are best friends with Tigers, Dogs and Rams. You just came out of Rat year, which was a tough one — for all of us :) Horses are efficient and hard workers, which the Ox respects.
    Overall energy of the year: Ease
    What to do: Focus on projects that were left undone in 2020 (Rat) and channel that Ox energy into tackling them.
    You are most compatible with: Tiger, Dog and Ram.
    You clash with: Rat.

  • Ram 未

    Gentle and kind, but under that soft, wooly exterior is strong determination
    Years: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003
    Rams ( also known as Sheep or Goat) are friends with Pigs, Rabbits and Horses. The good-natured Ram is not a fan of the hard-working Ox. Because Ram clashes with the Ox, it is important in BTB feng shui to practice the Golden Cicada Ritual. If you’re interested, there is a class available here. We also highly recommend you carry a 2021 charm (Rat).
    Overall energy of the year: Might feel like Ox is a bit of a task-master
    What to do: Tap into your strength and determination.
    You are most compatible with: Rabbit, Pig and Horse.
    You clash with: Ox.

  • Monkey 申

    Clever, curious monkeys will charm others with their ap-peel
    Years: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004
    Monkeys are friends with Dragons, Rats, and especially Snakes. Monkeys will do well this year if they focus their energy and don’t try to take the quick way of doing things. Use the Ox’s hard-working energy to balance your curious nature—the Ox won’t tolerate any monkeying around.
    Overall energy of the year: Pretty good
    What to do: Use your clever Monkey ways to channel your energy for success.
    You are most compatible with: Rat, Dragon and Snake.
    You clash with: Tiger.

  • Rooster 酉

    Articulate, astute roosters strut with confidence
    Years: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005
    Roosters are best friends with Snakes, Oxen, and Dragons. Roosters like the solid work ethic of the Ox. They make a good team and appreciate each other's focus and determination.
    Overall energy of the year: Supportive
    What to do: Just because you have the opportunity to do a lot and accomplish much doesn't mean you should. Don’t get caught up in working too hard—take time for yourself.
    You are most compatible with: Ox, Snake, and Dragon.
    You clash with: Rabbit.

  • Dog 戌

    Loyal dogs look out for others and they are dogged protectors
    Years: 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
    Dogs are best friends with Tigers, Horses, and Rabbits. They are in a mostly neutral relationship with the Ox. Dog and Ox see eye-to-eye on being fair and steadfast. For extra good luck and support, we recommend you carry a 2021 charm (Rat) this year.
    Overall energy of the year: Neutral
    What to do: Don’t pick fights, instead choose to channel your inner peace-maker.
    You are most compatible with: Tiger, Horse and Rabbit.
    You clash with: Dragon.

  • Pig 亥

    Good-natured, trustworthy, fun-loving pigs are always there to help ‘snout’
    Years: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019
    Pigs are best friends with Rabbits, Rams, and Tigers. Pigs are hard-working but know how to have to have a good time. Yes, Pigs work hard, but the Ox doesn't appreciate the Pig’s bon-vivant side, so we recommend you carry a 2021 charm (Rat) to soften the relationship and give the Pig more support.
    Overall energy of the year: So-so
    What to do: Be selective of who you do business with, and use the stable and analytical ways of Ox to support you.
    You are most compatible with: Sheep, Rabbit and Tiger.
    You clash with: Snake.