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Mindful Design Feng Shui School

Feng Shui Practitioner training: what you need to know

Feng Shui Practitioner training: what you need to know

If you are thinking about learning the practice of feng shui on a deeper level, there are a few things you may want to consider. Before you start googling away different feng shui training and certification programs. Give some thought to how you like to study, what kind of learner you are, and most importantly what you will do with your shiny new feng shui certification.

  1. How will the study of feng shui support me?

    Ok so you want to study feng shui. Great! There are a lot of options for feng shui training in terms of size of the class, length of the program, method and teaching style… But before you even get to those questions ask yourself: How do I want to approach this new study and learning?

    Maybe you want to do this for personal development. Many of our own graduates are surprised by how much personal growth is gained when they study this type of energy work.

    Or you want to become a feng shui consultant and work with people in their homes. Most people when they decide they want to dive deeper into the practice of feng shui are doing it because they want to become a feng shui consultant working with others in their homes or businesses. If this is the case for you ask yourself: What kind of training do I need to feel confident and comfortable working with clients?

  2. Is a full feng shui certification right for me?

    Training, studying, practicing: whatever you call it, learning feng shui is a lifelong practice. Feng shui is graceful and simple, but it is not necessarily easy. A person may find learning the basic principles pretty straight forward. The challenge becomes how do you apply the principles in a real world setting. How do you take all those concepts and then use them effectively with a client?

    It takes training to be able provide effective, compassionate and correct feng shui advice and recommendations for real life clients. A full and comprehensive feng shui certification program should teach all the fundamentals, principles and theories of the practice, as well as demonstrate to students how to do a feng shui consultation.

    For example: a good feng shui training program will provide students with experiential learning. This experience can take many forms, one of which is watching their teachers do full feng shui consultations with real clients. Hands-on learning can be one of the best ways for the practice of feng shui to make sense and click for students.

  3. What is your best study style?

    Another thing you will want to think about when considering studying feng shui is what type of program suits your lifestyle and learning style best. There are quite a few feng shui training programs out there, and they offer different ways to study. Here are a few things to look at:

    • Self-study: the student is given all the course materials to review, learn and get through on their own and at their own pace. The course material could be in videos, text, books. It can be parsed out module by module or given at all once. There is usually minimal to no teacher support. These online courses are called an evergreen, meaning it is always open and can be enrolled in at any time.

    • Cohort or classroom style: this type of program is generally open for enrollment for a specific amount of time, has a limited number of spots and is completed at a specific date. The class is taught as a cohort live (like a real classroom) and students move through the material supported by their teachers. There is often a mentorship component. This style of course is best if you want to stay on track and immerse yourself in the practice.

    • Experiential: as mentioned earlier a program with an experiential component is ideal if you are that type of learner. Many of us learn best when we see our teacher demonstrate. There is incredible value in a program that allows you to audit or shadow your teacher while they work.

  4. How to choose the right teacher or school of feng shui

    One important thing to know about feng shui is that there are many schools and approaches. Over the centuries, like other Taoist practices, feng shui has splintered off into many different paths and perspectives. Generally it is best if you’re interested in exploring feng shui deeper, to stick to one perspective rather than jumping around. It’s important to respect the cultural tradition of feng shui, and choose a school of feng shui that resonates with you.

    The school of feng shui that we teach is called Black Sect feng shui (BTB feng shui). It is important to note that Black sect recognizes that all schools of feng shui are correct and valid. At the end of the day, they are all connected to the same core ideal, and share the same goal: improving the quality of our lives.

    What to think about when choosing a school and teacher:

    • Do I connect or resonate with this teacher?
    • Can I see myself spending many hours listening to this person talk about feng shui?
    • Who are their teachers and lineage?
    • What has been showing up for me? Am I listening to the “green lights” or other signs?

Two other great ways to research schools is to ask to do a short discovery call with the teacher, or to speak with a graduate of the program. Also a great resource for research is The International Feng Shui Guild. They have a school directory that you can check out.

Hopefully these points will help you to think more deeply on why and how you can study feng shui. There are many benefits to joining a feng shui certification program, and if you are looking to learn the practice of feng shui beyond what you can learn in books, making the commitment can be very valuable.

You can also listen to Anjie and Laura talk about this topic in Episode 222 of the Holistic Spaces Podcast here.

You can also learn more about the Mindful Design Feng Shui certification program here.