How to Use Plants as Feng Shui Cures
Photo by Beatriz Moraes on Unsplash
Why do plants make great feng shui adjustments?
As living things, plants introduce vital life energy to our spaces. Compared to other living things like pets or people, they are also very low-maintenance! In addition, plants have a specific type of energy, called wood qi, which comes from the feng shui philosophy of the five elements. The wood element is connected to life, growth, flexibility, family harmony, and new beginnings, so incorporating plants or other wood element objects in your space with intention can bring more of these characteristics into your life.
We can also learn a lot from plants. They require a lot of the same things humans need to survive and thrive, like nourishment, sunlight, water, and air, and caring for a plant is a wonderful way to cultivate compassion and care for another living being.
Additionally, using plants as feng shui cures is a good reminder that feng shui adjustments don’t need to be overly complex. There is a misconception that more complicated things are better or more effective, but in reality, even the tiniest shift can make a huge difference.
We also want to point out that not all plants need to be feng shui adjustments, and you can of course apply feng shui principles to your home without using any plants at all. It is perfectly fine to have plants in your home that have no feng shui purpose, just because you love them, and it’s also ok to not have plants if you are not a plant person!
What are the best plants for feng shui?
You may have heard that certain types of plants are “bad” feng shui, but we want to challenge you to think beyond those definitions of good and bad because life isn’t black and white like that. In feng shui we talk about yin and yang, which teaches us that one end of a spectrum cannot exist without the other. Things can be both good and bad, or neither. If you have a plant that you read is bad feng shui but you really love it, it’s likely that this plant is actually offering you a lot of support! You don’t necessarily need to let go of it, but it may be interesting to be curious about your storyline about the plant and note that everyone’s situation is different.
When you are looking for a plant to use as a feng shui adjustment, choose a living green plant that is in good health, and make sure it is something you have the ability to care for. Look for a plant with lighting requirements that are compatible with your space, and be honest about your time and how much effort this plant will require. It’s also generally best to choose a plant with soft, rounded leaves rather than pointy or sharp ones. Some of our favorite feng shui plants for beginners are pothos and ZZ plant. If you are new to houseplants, one of our best pieces of advice is to avoid overwatering, since this can cause root rot.
It’s also better to bring a new plant into your space because the goal is to invite new qi. There is also something very powerful about putting your energy and creativity into something, and this can make your feng shui adjustment more impactful. You don’t have to purchase a new plant — you could also receive a plant or a cutting from a friend.
How to place plants in your home as feng shui adjustments
Depending on your intention, here are a few ways you can work with plants in your home as feng shui adjustments:
If your intention is to create healing, place an auspicious number of living green plants throughout your home, being sure to include your entryway, bedroom, and living room. Nine is an especially auspicious number, but if that feels overwhelming, three is a great number for new beginnings. You can even start with just one plant in one of these areas of your home if that is what feels manageable for you. If you do add multiple plants, you may want to connect them energetically by choosing plants of the same species or putting them in matching pots. This adjustment can contribute to healing because plants are an expression of life force energy that brings more healthy, living qi to your home.
If your intention is to create family harmony, activate the Zhen area of the bagua, also called Family, by placing a new plant in the Zhen position of your home. If you need help locating this area or want to learn more about the bagua, download our free bagua kit. As you place a plant in the part of your home that’s connected to family and take the time to nurture it, you are welcoming more kindness and flexibility in your family life.
If your intention is to cultivate prosperity, place a living green plant in the Xun position of your home. This area is related to wealth, abundance, and prosperity. A healthy plant in this area can support growth and new beginnings in your relationship to prosperity.
If your intention is to ignite inspiration, activate the Li position of your home, also called Fame or Reputation, with a new green plant. This area of the bagua is associated with fire qi, and the element that fuels fire is wood. Placing a plant here, which is an expression of the wood element, is a great way to support yourself in cultivating more passion and inspiration in any part of your life.
If your intention is to balance a bathroom, place a healthy plant in your bathroom to balance the water energy here. If you’ve done some research about feng shui, you may have noticed that people tend to be fearful about bathrooms. We want to help soothe these concerns and remind you that nothing is ever entirely good or entirely bad. What is true from a feng shui perspective is that there is a lot of water in bathrooms that is literally flowing in and out of your home, which can sometimes be depleting. Especially if something goes wrong with your plumbing and you have a leak, it can really deplete your finances! Energetically, having a plant in this part of your home makes all of this water useful by turning it into nourishment for the plant. If you don’t have enough natural light in your bathroom for a plant, check out this podcast episode about feng shui tips for bathrooms.
We hope this inspires you to try adding a new plant to your space! If you want to learn more about feng shui and plants, check out this podcast episode.