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Mindful Design Feng Shui School

Starting Fresh: A New Year Reset For Abundance in 2020

By Laura Morris

Sometimes you just need to push the reset button

Now that the holidays are behind us we can start to focus on starting the year right. 2020 is here and is full of possibility. You can officially draw a line under 2019 and say goodbye to last year.

New energy, new possibilities

Whether you hit it out of the park last year, or struck out, it is important to get aligned with the energy that is coming in 2020.

I know that 2020 is going to be a challenge for me energetically. I know that I need to protect myself and insulate my life from the ups and downs that will come along this year. Feng shui is a prescription for bad luck, and negativity energy. It is a way for us to balance the scales of luck. We can call on new protective energies to help us weather issues, and smooth out bumps in the road.

I will be doing two main things to ensure that I have a happy and productive 2020:

  1. On Saturday, January 25th I will be participating in the collective reset ritual called the Golden Cicada. This ritual is from the Black Sect tradition of Feng Shui and is used to peel away any negative energy that may be clinging to you. It also seals and protects us from issues that may come up in the new year. It can be performed anytime you feel you need it: after a run of bad luck, to start the new year (both Westerm and Lunar), to bless and celebrate your birthday.

    You can join me and Anjie on Saturday, January 25th for this live and online workshop. It takes about 45 minutes, and includes a guided wealth activating meditation called Welcoming the Wealth Gods. Doing this as a collective is so powerful. I hope you can join us. To register click here.

    2020 Golden Cicada

  2. Leading up to the Lunar New Year (January 25th) I will be cleaning and organizing. Here are the 9 areas I will be targeting and what I will be doing:

    • Top of the list is taking down any holiday decorations (and pack them up in an organized manner). I am not going to procrastinate on this task.
    • Cleaning out my fridge, super important if you have goals around health. Rearranging my office. Nothing big just moving the desk, giving it a good cleaning, and adding a new plant.
    • Going through my clothing and getting rid of the extra stuff I don’t need/wear.
    • Going through my make-up and skin care products. I know I have some seriously old stuff in those drawers. It needs to go.
    • Doing a good maintenance session on my plants. I have a lot and they could use some extra TLC.
    • Buying a new set of sheets for my bed. Also getting rid of an old set.
    • Organizing my cellar - this one is a biggy. I started this project in the fall and tackled quite a bit. It felt so good to get rid of junk and organize everything down there. I think of my basement as your energetic foundation. Silently supporting the entire home.
    • The day before the new year I be sweeping the floors, this will get the energy moving and I will sweep out the negative and stagnant qi. It is more of an energetic sweeping, but I do find quite a few dust bunnies.
    • The day of, probably right after the Golden Cicada, I will clean out my wallet and place an amount of money in a red envelope which will bring wealth qi into my wallet. I will explain this during the Golden Cicada ritual on the 25th so you can try it too!

I hope to see all your shining faces on Saturday, January 25th so we can celebrate Lunar New Year together. Let’s reset our energies so we can welcome in many, many new opportunities in 2020.

2020 New Year Package

We have a special bundle offer for the new year! You’ll get 25% off when you join both our Golden Cicada ritual and our Reset & Manifest Package. Our Reset & Manifest Package is a collection of powerful tools to help you kickstart the new year, and is a wonderful complement to the Golden Cicada ritual. Join now and make 2020 your year to shine!