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Mindful Design Feng Shui School

Feng Shui Design: Creating a Supportive Environment

Our co-founder Laura Morris's interview with Christie's International Real Estate

Anjie and I have both taken an intentional and holistic approach when designing and creating our own homes. At first glance you might not think our homes have been designed with feng shui in mind, but we have mindfully chosen all the elements in our spaces. Feng shui is not about tchotchkes and superstition, it is about creating environments that support and nurture us.

feng shui home design
Anjie’s desk: with her own hand painted yantra above.
The mirror is used to expand and open.

We believe you should choose design elements that are meaningful to you, but that also add to the overall energetic feel of the space: a hit of color, large windows for sunlight, adding natural elements like plants and crystals.

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The wall behind Laura’s desk: focused on creativity
Plants and crystals to add grounding elements

Simply put: we used feng shui design in our homes to bring more creativity, light and nature into our lives.

Read the full article here.
