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How to Offer Gratitude with Feng Shui

How to Offer Gratitude with Feng Shui
Photo by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash

Around this time of year, the subject of gratitude tends to come up again and again. Whether you’re spending a lot of time gathered with friends and family, or leaning into the quiet and reflective nature of the season, this can be a great time to intentionally cultivate gratitude.

One of the reasons we choose to focus on gratitude is that it can be a really helpful way to shift your perspective. Have you ever noticed yourself having a negative thought that seems to grow into many more negative thoughts? If we start to walk the path of negativity and worry, that path becomes deeper and more well-worn. Choosing grateful thoughts starts to shift that path, and helps us find a new, more positive path. Viewing your life from a perspective of gratitude can help you to focus less on challenges and more on opportunities to grow and evolve.

Feng shui is also all about shifting your perspective. When you change what you are looking at in your home, these shifts also resonate with the invisible parts of your life, like your mindset and emotions. In this way, feng shui can be a tangible way to connect to gratitude in your home.

Here is a simple feng shui ritual you can do in your home to offer gratitude:

Choose a meaningful object. This can be anything that feels significant to you that you can place in your home. If nothing is coming to mind, try a candle (real or flameless) or a feng shui crystal. Light is a powerful feng shui adjustment, so these are both great options.

Write a note of thanks. Choose someone or something that you are grateful for, and write a note expressing your gratitude. We would suggest slowing down and treating this step as a ceremony: start with a new piece of paper and a new or special pen, and write your note with intention.

Find the gua that matches what you are thankful for. Take a look at the diagram and list below, and notice which area of the feng shui bagua is connected to the person, thing, or situation that you are feeling grateful for. Place your note and your object in this part of your home. Need a refresher on how to lay the bagua on your home? Click here to download our free bagua kit.

Bonus: Add another layer of feng shui meaning to your gratitude note by choosing a piece of paper or pen in the color that corresponds to the bagua area where you’re placing your adjustment.

If you’re grateful for your family, place your object and note in Zhen (Family).

If you’re grateful for your home or financial life, place your object and note in Xun (Abundance).

If you’re grateful for your father, grandfather, brother, or husband, place your object and note in Qian (Helpful People).

If you’re grateful for your children, grandchildren, or furbabies, place your object and note in Dui (Children).

If you’re grateful for your faith, spiritual practice, skills, or knowledge, place your object and note in Gen (Knowledge).

If you’re grateful for your successes and your status in your community, place your object and note in Li (Fame).

If you’re grateful for your career, your purpose, or your path in life, place your object and note in Kan (Career).

If you’re grateful for your mother, grandmother, sister, or wife, place your object and note in Kun (Relationships).

If you’re grateful for your health or something that we didn’t name on this list, place your object and note in Tai qi (Health).

We hope this ritual helps you connect to gratitude in your home this season! Each time you see your feng shui adjustment in your home, let yourself be reminded of the things in your life that you are grateful for!

We are grateful to you for being a part of our feng shui community! If you want to learn more about feng shui and gratitude, listen to this episode of the Holistic Spaces Podcast.