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Mindful Design Feng Shui School

How to Set Up a Home Office

Do you ever have a hard time staying on task when you’re working from home? If so, you’re not alone! Whether you’re working on school projects or your career, it’s important to have a place in your home where you can feel supported and focused. This doesn’t mean you need a whole room at home to use as an office; even if all you have is a corner in a shared space, you can follow these suggestions to make the best of the situation!

Here are four ways to create a supportive home office:

  1. Create a separate space. Trying to get work done at home can be very challenging if you don't have a dedicated workspace. It can make it harder to focus when you are working, and difficult to disengage from work when you’re trying to relax. Ideally, you would have a dedicated home office with a door that closes. If you don’t have a whole room to spare, create some visual boundaries around your work space. You can do this by placing a bookcase, room divider, fabric panel, or drapes between your desk and the rest of the room. Another option, if you don’t have the space for an extra piece of furniture next to your desk, is to cover your desk with a beautiful piece of fabric when you are not working to signal that the work day is over.

  2. Put your desk in a position that minimizes stress and allows for a good flow of energy. Ideally, your desk should be in the command position: when you are sitting at your desk you should be able to see the room’s main entrance. This means you can see the expanse of the room, and are able to face challenges and greet new opportunities head-on. If it’s not possible to put your desk in command, you can set up a mirror so that you can see the reflection of the door when sitting at your desk. A small convex mirror read view works really well for this.

  3. Consider the view from your desk. While it may seem like a good idea to face a window, this can be distracting, and your energy will most likely go out the window instead of into your work. If you’re facing a wall, hang something that inspires you like a piece of artwork or a vision board. Facing a blank wall represents a block keeping you from moving forward, and it can also be unsettling.

  4. Make sure your chair is supportive, both energetically and physically. Find a chair with a solid, functional back that is high enough so that it really feels like it’s supporting you. You can also choose a chair color based on what you would like to cultivate in your work life: if you need more grounding, try a brown chair. More energy and passion for your work, go with red!

After you’ve created your home office, notice any shifts in your productivity or ability to focus. You just might be getting a lot more of your work done! Stay tuned for our next blog post, where we’ll talk about how to reset your home office for a new school year or new career opportunities.

Anjie’s workspace
Anjie’s workspace

Laura’s workspace
Laura’s workspace